Reporting and Analytics

Eliminate uncertainties, improve results, and gain a complete picture of your trial’s enrollment in real time.

Our industry-leading MERIS® reporting platform collects and visualizes data that helps quickly identify and optimize strategies to improve results and achieve your enrollment goals.


  • Campaign data and analytics through MERIS
  • Recruitment campaign analysis and optimization
  • Recruitment feasibility
  • Recruitment scenario planning and predictive modeling
  • Enrollment forecasting
We provide solutions and services for every step of the clinical trial funnel. Download our print-ready capabilities guide for a full overview.


  • Make real-time campaign improvements to optimize advertising spends, improve ROI, and decrease cost per randomization
  • Produce data-driven recruitment plans that help sites assess their internal strategies to achieve their enrollment targets
  • Accurately project costs, time, and randomizations from advertising campaigns to assure the study meets or achieves enrollment goals
  • Help assure your study stays top-of-mind through simple, low-cost, branded items that are frequently used by patients at home
  • Address unique retention barriers through custom solutions, like apps and other technologies
  • Help study teams plan when to close enrollment and assess how the campaign is tracking through predictive modeling
“The value of having a wealth of real-time data is our ability to provide insightful recommendations that remarkably improve results.”
Cheryl Dewey, Vice President, Performance and Technology
Continuum Clinical is a global leader in patient recruitment and retention. Let us help you achieve your clinical trial goals.

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