Patient Recruitment and Retention Planning

Identify and plan to mitigate challenges to study enrollment or retention.
Even the smallest protocol detail can significantly hinder enrollment. Our proprietary planning process leverages diverse, in-house expertise to identify challenges and recommend targeted solutions to achieve your very specific study enrollment goals.


  • Protocol Recruitability™ Analysis
  • Patient, caregiver and physician market research
  • Social listening
  • Patient exit interviews
  • Global recruitment plans
We provide solutions and services for every step of the clinical trial funnel. Download our print-ready capabilities guide for a full overview.


  • Analyze protocols and informed consent forms, feasibility data, historical analytics, global healthcare systems, demographics, and other key study details to identify potential barriers to enrollment and retention
  • Review all patient and caregiver requirements through the eyes of the patient to identify strengths and opportunities to improve their experience in your study
  • Field quantitative or qualitative market research to assess potential barriers and validate solutions
  • Conduct exit interviews with patients who have completed or discontinued your study to improve protocol design for future studies
“We work to develop a deep affinity for the target patient, to understand their attitudes and behaviors, and then to help our teams translate that into empathetic, motivating communications.”
Bob Klein, Chief Insights and Experience Officer
Continuum Clinical is a global leader in patient recruitment and retention. Let us help you achieve your clinical trial goals.

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